8 April 2013

CDG meeting Tuesday 30 April 2013 at 7pm

At Sue Shield's drawing session last month in the Lansdowne Pub, it was thought that it would be a good place to have a long overdue group meeting.

Lets meet to pay our membership fees, organise personalised membership card for discounts, discuss updating our web page, meet new members etc.

Lets drink... meals / snacks are available (pre-arranged buffets are available, pub has connections with the Potted Pig, Cardiff)

Lets draw as well.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions please bring them with you ....
.... if not, still please come, its seems ages since we last met.

Please let Stephanie know if you hope to attend.
The Lansdowne Pub, Canton, Cardiff, CF5 1PU Tel: 02920221312